Progress in Reading

 When I was younger, I read constantly. I was the kid who got caught with a book hiding under their desk, reading while the teacher talked. Slowly, as I got older, I read less and less. I'm not going to blame this entirely on technology, but the biggest drop off was when I got a smartphone, and instead of reading while I waited for lectures to begin, I browsed Instagram or played games. I also struggled more the that I had to read those intense scientific articles, almost burning out my desire to read for pleasure. I know I've talked about this before, but it was a sad point in my life when I struggled to read a 150 page book in the three 3 week check out and renewal periods at the library, when I grew up devouring 500 page books in just a few days.

But anyway, I am back into the swing of things! I usually have 1-2 audiobooks and 1-2 print books going at once, so I'm never getting bored of the same topics. I've also started doing audiobooks in Spanish, and I'm trying to branch out into print books as well.

But I'm pleased to announce that I have completed my reading goal of 52 books!

My other stats include that I have read 98% fiction books this year, 21 of them being classified as "self help," and about 50/50 audio and print books. None of this surprises me, but it's nice to see my stats.

I might extend my reading goal, but I'm feeling good about where I am.


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