DIPG Awareness Day

 A new-ish awareness day is DIPG Awareness Day, held on May 17. The awareness day dates to 2016, when the then-governor of Maryland declared the day for the first time, on the anniversary of the passing of DIPG warrior Michael Mosier. Currently 30 states and the US Senate recognize DIPG Awareness Day (x). Here are some fast facts about DIPG:

  • DIPG is a rare, aggressive cancer of the brainstem.
  • DIPG is the most common cancer of the brainstem in children and the leading cause of brain cancer deaths in children.
  • DIPG has a median survival of 11 months.
  • The overall survival rate is less than 1%, with the 5 year survival rate being 2%.
  • There are a few long term survivors of DIPG, with some common characteristics, but they often face stigma from multiple communities.
  • The most common ages for diagnosis with DIPG is 4-11 years old with the median age being 6-7 years old.
Families can find resources and support here.

It is time to #defeatDIPG. Sources: x, x, x



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