What is a good day?

 One of the things I've come to learn as I've dealt with years of mental health conditions (and I learned this more recently then I care to admit) is that I sometimes have to redefine what a "good day" is. Because I have what's in my head as a "good day" that I aspire to. Something along the lines of, wake up, enjoy a full breakfast, go on a hike, draw, spend time with a friend, delicious food, hot shower, fresh sheets at the end of the day with a good book. 

Ok, that's the ideal day, not just a good day. But recently I've had to think about what's really a good day. What is really important to achieve, and what really matters. So here's some of the things that have made a day good recently:

  • I had a good conversation with my boss and felt understood.
  • I had enough energy after work to cook.
  • I made it through the whole day at the office without coming home.
  • I was able to use my tools to manage my mental health.
  • I was honest with someone about how I'm doing. 
  • I treated my shame and anxiety with compassion.
  • I reached out to a friend for support.

And sometimes, it's even as simple as,

"I survived."

A selfie where I am holding Hippie, smiling, and wearing a purple sweatshirt


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