Books of Winter

 Ok, so my reading goal for 2024 is 52 books (1 per week). I have read 12 books as of March 1, which is ahead of the pace I need to be. I generally have an audiobook and a print book going at once. So here's what I've read in January and February 2024:

  • Don't Sweat the Small Stuff by Richard Carlson
  • The Thing Explainer by Randall Monroe (author of one of my fave comics, XKCD)
  • The Deepest Well by Dr Nadine Burke Harris (highly recommended for anyone working in a social service position)
  • A Thousand Mornings by Mary Oliver
  • All Cats are on the Autism Spectrum by Kathy Hoopman
  • Mala's Cat (audiobook) by Mala Kacenberg (this was extremely hard to get through because it was pretty graphic in describing the Holocaust)
  • Hood Feminism by Mikki Kendall
  • Cost of Living: Essays by Emily Maloney (I think this is actually my least favorite book I've read this year)
  • Success Under Stress (audiobook) by Sharon Melnick
  • You Are Here by Thích Nhất Hạnh
  • Pageboy (audiobook) by Elliot Page
  • Ikigai (audiobook) by Héctor García Puigcerver

Overall it's been a good couple of months for reading. Some real standouts with Hood Feminism, the Deepest Well, and A Thousand Mornings. Mala's Cat was the most challenging, and the longest read at 29 days (I actually started it on Christmas Eve).


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