Ikigai: A book review

 I recently listened to an audiobook called "Ikigai: The Japanese Secret to a Long and Happy Life." It was a short little book, but very interesting, and honestly covered a lot in its 3.5 hours. It was also very cross-culturally translated, because it's a book from Spain, translated to English, about Japanese culture. But I enjoyed listening to it.

I feel like this fits with my very strong interest in the Blue Zones. I'm actually reading The Book about Blue Zones (the original one), or listening to it I guess. I'm glad that my library is so full of good resources to learn about these topics.

Top takeaways? Eat well, socialize with those you care about, and find your purpose in life (your Ikigai). Good little read.

book cover for Ikigai by Hector Garcia that is powder blue with cherry blossoms


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