World Cancer Day 2024

 Did you know that February 4 is World Cancer Day?

Close the Care Gap logo with two women

The theme from 2022-2024 is Close the Care Gap, and it aims to close gaps in cancer treatment. From their website:

The last year of our campaign is all about bringing attention to a higher level—literally. We will raise our voices to engage our leaders. Now that we have knowledge and a united community by our side, we are ready to shake the very foundations of injustice—to become lifelong advocates fully equipped to push for lasting change.  

Together, we will make sure our leaders know that we demand a commitment to prioritising cancer, to creating innovative strategies designed to confront inequity and to investing our resources to achieve a just and cancer-free world. We will call on leaders to eliminate health inequities by addressing their root causes, ensuring that everyone has access to quality health services when, where and how they need them.  

Be sure to check out their website for actions that you can take this year. Because the quality of care your child receives shouldn't depend on anything.


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