February 15: International Childhood Cancer Day

 While a lot of this blog focuses on days and awareness of what's happening with childhood cancer in the US, the reality is that childhood cancer has a global impact. This year International Childhood Cancer Day falls on February 15. From the organizers,

"International Childhood Cancer Day is a global collaborative campaign to raise awareness about childhood cancer, and to express support for children and adolescents with cancer, the survivors and their families."

Did you know that over 400,000 children develop cancer annually, but only half are ever diagnosed. There are huge gaps in childhood cancer care between countries, where 70% of children in some low and middle income countries won't survive their cancer, but only 20% of those in high income countries won't survive. Still far too high, but think about that difference for a moment.

The International Childhood Cancer Day organizers have provided a toolkit to learn more about how you can help here.


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