What does December bring?

 If April showers bring May flowers, what does December bring? December, the last month of the year, is both slow and a blur. At work, things tend to wind down, except for preparing for January, which brings cookie season. We tend to work less hours all the same, but I feel like it will be different this year with some of the drama happening. There's truly never a dull moment when working with a combination of volunteers and children at an organization with a somewhat complex structure.

In my personal life, December passes quickly. Holiday activities give way to holiday travel, a visit to Wisconsin that always goes by faster than I think it will. This year I'm traveling for 11 days, which is longer than I have since college, when I'd spend the entire three week break at my parent's house. I'm looking forward to going back, although not the actual travel process.

December brings the winter as well, with snow already started in my area. While I know in my heart that the light will get earlier again, summer will come again, but not until January does it become noticeable. I am hoping that this winter will be different than others, mental health wise.

A person wearing glasses and a fluffy white fur hat with side flaps stands in front of a Christmas light display on snow


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