11 years

 I recently received an email from Be the Match (bone marrow registry). I have been on the registry for 11 years! That is over a third of my life, pretty much since I turned 18 minus the amount of time to process my sample. Yeah, that's what I did as a freshman in college.

I've posted about the bone marrow registry before, but I'll say it again because more and more people need bone marrow every day: sign up to be a donor! It's gotten easier, it's free, and you would save a life if you get a match and donate.

Visit Be the Match here if you're in the US, or research your own country's bone marrow registry. You can also learn about the medical requirements here. Reading this, I actually learned that I only have a few more years before I reach the end of the ideal age range. Can't donate marrow or stem cells? Give a monetary gift here instead. 

Coincidentally, November is also National Marrow Awareness Month. What a great way to show your support by joining the registry.


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