Learning to Learn

After four years of engineering school and two years of grad school, I lost my love of learning. While I continued to learn things, I was primarily taking trainings at work to do so, and not necessarily retaining as much as I wanted. In the past couple of years, let's say since 2021 and moving into my home, I've become more able to actively learn and seek out new opportunities outside of work. I truly do love learning and want to know more about the world around them. 

Most recently this has taken the form of Ted Talks and Duolingo, two free sources of knowledge, but also books, articles, and now a course from Coursera. For those of you unfamiliar, Coursera is a free, online learning site where colleges and universities run MOOCs, or Massive Online Open Courses. I took one on vaccines in college that was a lot of fun, and signed up for one in the fall but never actually did it.

My current course is called Learning How to Learn and I wish I'd gone through it the summer before college. I'm chugging through it, hoping to become better at engaging my mind through learning, and having it actually stick. That's my big problem, making it stick.

So anyway, to all the students and lifelong learners out there, I'd recommend this course as an easy way to learn techniques to study and learn new material.


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