What You Practice Grows Stronger

One of my "hobbies," if we can call it that, is watching TED talks. I'm a sucker for an inspirational, science-based bit of knowledge. I watch a lot about mental health because that's a major interest area for me. I was watching the other night and after a talk about strengthening brains, the algorithm that has seen me watch TED talk after TED talk about psychology and the mind fed me this one:


The Power of Mindfulness: What You Practice Grows Stronger | Shauna Shapiro | TEDxWashingtonSquare

I often pull a little tid bit from each TED talk, and in this one the overall lesson stood out was, "What you practice grows stronger," from the title. Basically the premise is that by practicing the sort of kind and loving attention you have during mindfulness, you are strengthening that portion of your brain, that particular pathway. It culminated in self love, beginning your day with, "Good morning, I love you," to just yourself.


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