Photos and Links and Blogs, Oh My

So, I've now been at the U for three weeks. So far, so good. My classes are going well, and I have my first test on Friday (Physics), so I'm hoping that goes well. This week is homecoming week, and to start it off, we had a huge service project. Over 800 people participated, and lots of things got accomplished: food at the food bank got sorted, over 2000 blankets were made, over 250 emergency/first aid kits were put together, and lots of yardwork, cleaning and home improvement got done around Salt Lake. Tonight is the homecoming carnival, which I'm pretty excited for.
I have been super busy with homework, studying, and ddoing things around campus. 18 credits will do that:). Last weekend we had monday off for Labor day, so I had some time to relax and take pictures. Life is good in college world.
In other news, I have added to the link section with some new blogs/ websites about childhood cancer and other topics.
I have also added a new album of photos, which I took both on the road trip out to Utah, and here in Salt Lake.


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