National Blood Donor Month

 January is National Blood Donor Month! Cue celebratory emojis for all those who donate blood! But, in all seriousness, there is a nationwide blood shortage in the US, the lowest number in 20 years (a 40% drop). That's a huge issue, not just for the childhood cancer community, but for many medical communities. My brother had many units of whole blood and platelets during his treatment, an amount I have since given back through donation. The need is greater than ever: every 2 seconds someone needs blood. Most needed? Platelets or red blood cells from those with type O blood (either Rh). 

I was a gallon grad, someone who donated 8 units of blood prior to graduating high school. Later in college I started doing platelets. Then I went to camp one summer and moved further from the blood bank and just stopped. I asked them to stop calling and they were respectful.

Early in January, they reached out. It's been 6 years. But I had been thinking about this for months, how I should start going again. So I said yes.

I went in on Monday, and I was nervous, mostly if I'd be deferred. While my diet wasn't great in grad school, I did eat red meat on a regular basis, and I've been deferred because of anxiety too. I had two yes's on my questionnaire, but I passed the initial exam.

I did a double platelet donation, so I made two units. It's not like whole blood where a donation is split, one donation goes to one person. I also got to see the platelets, which was neat.

If you're eligible, please consider donation. Don't feel pressured to do platelets, start with whole blood and go from there. You might even be able to set up a drive at your workplace. It feels super good to be helping people, and this is a pretty easy way to do that.

A woman wearing a hot pink shirt and a grey and brown hat with headphones and glasses donates platelets. To the side is the machine with a bag of plasma and two of blood visible in addition to the tubing.



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