Kicking off Childhood Cancer Awareness Month

Today, 46 families had thier lives turned upside down. They were told that thier child has cancer.
Another 7 familes had their lives irreversibly changed. Their child lost the battle with cancer.
This happens everyday. This is unnacceptable. Pediatric Cancer takes more children's lives that Athsma, Heart Problems, Birth Defects and Pediatric HIV COMBINED.
As you read this, there are familes dealing with the unimaginable. Mothers and fathers are answering questions from their children that no parent should ever answer: "Mommy, what's cancer?" "When can I see my friends, go to school or be normal?" "Why does this medicine make me sicker?" "What's hospice?"
Together, we can work to change this. We can work to cure cancer, find better treatments, address late effects, and support survivors.
Wear Gold; Support the kids.


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