¿Habla español?

So I've spent a fair amount of time over the past few years learning Spanish. I started on Rosetta Stone (thank you library for paying for that) but had a hard time keeping up with it, so I went back to Duolingo. Previously I'd used Duolingo to complete their entire French course (it has since been expanded). I took French in 6-10th grades, as well as a class in college, but I have always wanted to learn Spanish, starting from a CD-ROM circa 2001.

I live and work in an area with a significant amount of Latinx people. Spanish is everywhere, from the refreskeria where I got my first chili and strawberry ice cream fresada to the people speaking as I pass by on my walks. So if there was ever a time to start learning something new, it was 2020.

It was hard. It's still hard. I mix up Spanish and French with shocking consistency, slipping between all three languages in one sentence. I don't know the Spanish word for something on the tip of my tongue, so French will do. It's all Latin-based, right? That's probably my biggest stumbling block, the recall of specific words. Grammar has it's own challenges, but it's a pattern for the most part. The word for oil? Huile in French, but in Spanish? A mystery.

I'm getting there. I think that I could hold a basic conversation if presented with the opportunity and someone with patience. Eventually I'd like to be able to hold a program. Not a long or complicated one, but something that will still be worthwhile. I think that my Family Science Night is an excellent candidate. Thirty minutes, simple science, meant for the littles. Someday. Not today, but hopefully someday.


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