October: Trying New Things

 This September, while doing something I can't quite remember, I was hit with inspiration: I should make my next goal to try new things. I do goals of the month, and generally some sort of new year's resolution, so I had options. At first I was thinking, "Try one new thing per week," but they I settled on my current goal, "Try as many new things as possible."

I'll be honest, I started early. I consider my first "new thing" was an Afghan cooking class at the local library. Yes, our library is that cool. We made bolani, a stuffed flatbread that is fried, and I got to stuff my own with fresh cilantro, shredded potato, and green onion, seasoned with salt, pepper, chilis, and coriander. That was the beginning of this challenge.

I plan to continue until the end of the month, and if I like it, I'll make it my New Year's resolution for 2024. Wish me luck as I try new things, and I'll check back in in November with a list of everything that I tried between September 18 and Halloween.

A bolani flatbread, a half moon shaped flatbread with the green stuffing peaking through, and an herb and yogurt dip


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