Childhood Blood Cancer

 Ok, so in addition to being childhood cancer awareness month, September is also blood cancer awareness month, as I mentioned a little while ago. I want to specifically spotlight blood cancer because it does account for such a high number of childhood cancer cases.

Let's start with leukemia, which account for a quarter of childhood cancers (x). About 75% of childhood leukemias are ALL (acute lymphocytic leukemia), with the next most common being AML (x). Leukemia also accounts for 22.7% of childhood cancer deaths, the second most deadly form of cancer, following brain cancers. But what is leukemia? Leukemia is a cancer of the white blood cells, or cells that become white blood cells.

Lymphoma is rarer in children than leukemia, accounting for only about 8% of childhood cancers. Of these, 5/8 are non-Hodgkins lymphoma and 3/8 are Hodgkins lymphoma (x). Lymphomas effect the lymph system, including the lymph nodes, tonsils, and spleen.

Overall, 3.5% of blood cancer diagnoses are in children and youth under age 20 (2015-2019 statistics). Overall, blood cancers account for 38% of cancers in children (under age 20) (x). 

To learn more, check out these resources from the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.


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