Be an Advocate

 One way to help during Childhood Cancer Awareness month (and year round) is to be an advocate. The Children's Cancer Cause has a suggested list of actions, and here are a few I want to share:

  • They invite you to share your story. This links to a form.
  • They also have a Legislative Action Center to read about current issues pending before Congress that impact cancer research, treatment, and survivorship.
  • Yet another great resource in advocacy is their Childhood Cancer Advocacy Toolkit to learn about topics like writing a letter to the editor, effective virtual lobbying, and much more.
  • Don't forget to be knowledgeable, with facts you can find in past posts or in their fact library. They challenge you to pick one fact to share on social media to help increase awareness with your network. 

Advocacy takes many different forms. Try a few out and find what's right for you.


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