Be the Change You Want to See

 Ok, here's the deal. I have heard this saying all my life, accredited to Gandhi, "Be the change you wish to see in the world." Come to find out, he didn't actually say that!

This idea is actually credited first to Arleen Lorrance, a New York schoolteacher, in 1970. The quote is from a report on the Love Project and reads:

"One way to start a preventative program is to be the change you wish to see happen. That is the essence and substance of the simple and successful endeavor of The Love Project."

 Recently, I took this as my new motto. It's why I joined my HOA board (sure to be more on this later) and it's what's been driving a lot of other things in my life. Being the change is a lot of work, and will probably make even more work, but eventually I hope it's worth it.


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