Cancer Survivors

 June is Cancer Survivor's Month, with the first Sunday in June being Cancer Survivor's Day. The color is lavender. As of 2018, there were 483,000 cancer survivors in the US who were diagnosed before age 20 (x). About 85% of childhood cancer patients survive 5 years, but many will point out that this statistic doesn't account for childhood who pass away after the 5-year mark, such as those with multiple relapses. It includes many children I know who survived and continue to survive, like my little brother, and many children who did not.

The Long-Time Follow Up study, administered by many hospitals, is the longest running study on childhood cancer survivorship, beginning in the 1970s (x). It has revealed much about how chemotherapy, radiation, and other treatments effect children as they grow up. From secondary cancer to mental health struggles, there are many late-term effects.

The American Association for Cancer Research has a list of opportunities for advocacy this month. Some of them are:

And more. Check out the full list here

A graphic that reads National Cancer Survivors Month and a purple ribbon


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