New Year's Resolutions 2023

 So normally, I do a drawing of my New Year's resolutions, and it's usually basic stuff like taking care of myself and having hobbies. This year I decided to do a little different resolution. Rather than have a bunch of little resolutions, I decideded to have one big one:

Have better work-life balance.

Now, this is something I've struggled with for years. It's very easy in a profession with nights and weekends, as an exempt staff, to be working just constantly. Checking your phone, checking email, making to dos. It's all part of work and it never seems to end.

While I'm not perfect, I've certainly improved this year. I set a boundary about when I will and won't check my phone and email, and I mostly stick to it. I try to not come home only to work more, when I can help it. I manage my hours so that I don't have a ton of 50 hour weeks. And I work on practicing good self care so that work doesn't take it's heavy toll on me like it has in the past.

I am still growing into this, as when I get bored at home my first instinct is to work. I always want to know about tomorrow and be prepared, which leads to late night email checking. I work a lot of Saturdays, which often leads to many 6-day work weeks in a row. I end up working nights where I'm not home until 8:30 pm, or later, and don't always take enough rest to make up for it.

But bit by bit I'm learning more about self care and boundaries and time management in a never ending world of work. I'm doing better and there's still room to grow.


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