Volunteer Work

I've spent a lot of time thinking about where I'd like to volunteer. I volunteered a lot in high school and college, but stopped once I started working full time. I have long hours, and weird hours, and it makes having a regular volunteer gig difficult. I fully believe that, while volunteering is vital and fantastic part of our world, not all volunteer positions are for all people.

But recently I realized that with advocacy organizations, I could do work from home, on a weird schedule. I do email and call my representatives after all, and I enjoy writing and blogging. So I'm looking at volunteer opportunities with some childhood cancer advocacy organizations, as well as potentially restarting my CureSearch walk team, the Rhabdo Warriors. Maybe with a new name, I'm not super attached to that one. 

So wish me luck in this new adventure.

Green CureSearch balloons with a crowd in the background at a CureSearch Walk.


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