Donors Choose

If you're looking to branch out from childhood cancer research with your donations, I can't recommend Donors Choose enough. They're a national organization that allows supporters, parents, and really anybody to make tax deductible donations in support of local (or not local) teachers. I've been able to support so many great projects through their work, from getting just the basics (which teachers shouldn't have to crowd fund for, but that's a whole other issue) to specialty equipment. 

There's tons of projects, and you can filter by location, theme, age, and more. Donors Choose will also tell you if the school has an "Equity Focus," meaning the school is more than 50% students who are Black, Indigenous, or Native American, and also that 50% or more of families are considered low income.

I'm excited to have this newfound ability to support teachers, both my friends and teachers in my community. Teachers really do so much, they deserve community support.


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