Post High School Plans

So, just to elaborate on my post high school plans:
I will be attending the University of Utah - College of Engineering/ Honors College. I have been pre-accepted into major status in Bioengineering. This means that while most students need to apply to join my major, they decided that i am special enough to just join the major right away. What does this mean for me: right now, not much. In the future: I can take 3000 level classes right away, and I'm already a part of the Biomed family :).
I am part of a fellowship program at the U in engineering that will allow me to start doing research right away, which is super exciting. I am also part of the President's club, which is mostly a name, but also a lot of really cool networking oppourtunities, and a great scholarship.
When in Utah, I'm going to be doing a lot of volunteering with kids. For this I am really excited. I'm hoping to get involved with PCH, Girl Scouts in Utah (already involved here, just need to move), and with the U.
My future/ long term plans: Pediatric Oncology (study/ treatment of childhood cancers). This means undergrad, med school, intership, residency, and fellowship. Then I can start my career. So, I will be spending a long time learning in schools, but I will never truely stop.


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