Steffi's latest adventures in college

So, the last two months have been pretty busy.  I'm taking some really cool classes this semester: Diversity and Evolution of Life, Drawing for Non-majors and French Conversation.  I've been spending a good amount of time in my lab.  This semester I'm going to be presenting in the Undergraduate Research Symposium, which is pretty exciting.
Last night was Girl Scout Night with SWE, the third one I've organized in the time I've been here.  We had 110 girls, which is a huge event, the largest I've ever organized.  It was a bunch of fun, and we really reached a lot of girls.  We also had a forum for the parents with some of our female engineers, so we got to educate the parents too.
Next week I'm going to San Diego, which is going to be awesome.  It's the SWE region B conference.  There's a big career fair, lots of workshops and keynote speakers. I'm going to apply to present at Annual conference next year, so I'm hoping to pick up some pointers.


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