Glioblastoma Awareness Day: July 19, 2023

May was Brain Tumor Awareness Month, and July 19 is Glioblastoma Awareness Day. Learn some glioblastoma fast facts:

  • While glioblastoma is the most common adult primary brain tumor, glioblastomas only account for 3-15% of childhood nervous system tumors.
  • Each year about 500 children in the US are diagnosed with glioblastoma. This is a small percent of the total 14,490 Americans diagnosed annually, but an important group.
  • Glioblastomas are most common in children ages 8-18 years old, but have been reported as early as in utero.
  • Pediatric glioblastoma has a 5-year survival rate of about 20%.
  • Most glioblastoma cases have no known cause.
This year marks the fifth annual Glioblastoma Awareness Day, according to the National Brain Tumor Society (x). You can read some of the stories of glioblastoma here. They do have a Pediatric tag within the stories, but as of writing this, there aren't any published. You can submit your own, to add a voice to pediatric glioblastoma warriors.

Sources: x, x, x


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