Ewing's Sarcoma Research

   The university of Utah's Hunstman Cancer institute was recently given a grant from Curesearch to search for genetically based treatments for Ewing's Sarcoma.
   Ewing's is a soft tissue tumor that originates in bone, but has often metastasized by the time it is diagnosed. After the first round of chemo and surgeries, patients often relapse. It is the second most common bone cancer.
   This new treatment would focus on inhibition of a key protien in Ewing's Sarcoma: EWI/FLI, which causes uncontrolled cell growth and a lack of cell to cell adhesion (which allows the cancerous cells to spread more easily in the body).
Read the article from CureSearch here: http://www.curesearch.org/A-Novel-Epigenetic-Strategy-to-Treat-Ewing-Sarcoma/


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