Media Monday

     To kick off this year's Childhood Cancer Awareness month, I thought I'd start with some social media advice on spreading awareness.  There are many ways to use media to spread awareness about childhood cancer. We've all seen the Ice Bucket challenge lately.  How can we help make childhood cancer awareness go viral?

  • Post about childhood cancer on your blog/microblog (see the majority of posts on this blog for types of posts and ideas)
  • Change your Facebook cover photo: Go Gold coverSimple Go GoldNo More Neuroblastoma coverKeep Calm coverFlow-y awareness cover
  • Change your social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tublr, ect) photo/avatar to a childhood cancer awareness photo: Bee AwareWage a Gold WarI'm Aware (simple)Keep Calm and FundAwareness Stats
  • Post these 7 Childhood Cancer statistics on your social media page (one for each child who died from cancer today):
    • 1 in 330 children will get cancer before age 20
    • 20% of children diagnosed will not survive
    • 30 - 50% of survivors have serious complications from their treatments
    • Each day 7 children die from cancer, and 42 more are diagnosed
    • Pediatric cancer is the leading cause of disease death in the US, more than asthsa, cystic fibrosis, and pediatric AIDS combined.
    • Only One new treatment for pediatric cancer has been approved in the last 25 years.
    • Childhood Cancer research receives only $230,000 of the NCI budget annually - about how much it cost for my brother's treatment.
  • Use social media to solicit donations for CureSearch or St Baldricks - the two leading childhood cancer charities, each giving more than the NCI's allotment by at least triple.
  • If you use Blogger - hit reblog.  
Thank you in advance, and let's turn this September Gold for Childhood cancer awareness!


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