Kicking off Childhood Cancer Awareness Month

Hello everybody!
      Another semester has started here at the University of Utah, with all the fun and work college brings.  I'm delving into richer bioengineering coursework, including a physiology course with a focus on neural engineering.  I'm continuing with my involvement in SWE, working to bring STEM education to girls and women.
       I also got a grant to work on a research project in the lab I worked in during the spring.  I will be studying a latent form of antithrombin that is proposed to have anti-angiogenic properties.  These properties could be exploited to treat many diseases, including tumors, which would definitely be a good thing!  I'll write a post specifically about my research a little later this month, which brings me to by next point:
      As you all know (or at least I hope you do), September is Childhood Cancer Awareness month.  As I did last year, I will be 'celebrating' by raising awareness in every way that I can.  I will be posting daily about different facets of childhood cancer, raising awareness and educating on the realities of childhood cancer.  Lizi will be writing a column about childhood cancer for the Utah Daily Chronicle, which I will post the link to as soon as it's published!  I hope you'll help me turn the world gold as we become aware of childhood cancer.



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